Monday, October 23, 2006,6:25 pm
Eid Mubarak!

"Allaaho Akbar, Allaaho Akbar, Laa ilaaha illallaah wallaaho Akbar, Allaaho Akbar, Wa lillaahil hamd.
Alhamdulillah alaa maa hadaanaa walahu Shukr alaa maa aulana."


To Dear Family members & friends,
On this Auspicious day of Eidul Fitr we pray to the Almighty to
Bless us with the forgiveness of our sins
Grant us the acceptance of all our a'amals and duas
Make us sincere followers of the Ahl ul Bayt (as)
Honour us with the fulfilment of our hajaat
Provide us with protection from all evil and
Shower us with his choicest blessings - Illahi Ameen.

May your Eid be a day blessed with joy and lasting peace.
Let us remember those who are dear to us and have departed from this world with Sura e Fateha.

Duas and best wishes. . .

Acknowledgement: Image taken from Deviant Art..
posted by Ya_Baqiyatullah
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Friday, October 20, 2006,1:52 am
The Universal Day of Al Quds....

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلاً مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ البَصِيرُ

Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [17:1]

In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful. Lord of the Great Light, Lord of the Elevated Throne, Lord of the tumultuous seas, and the revealer of the Tawrah, Injeel, and Zaboor, Lord of the shadows and the warmths, And the revealer of the Great Qur'an.

The international day of Quds was started by the late Ayatollah Khomeini, the Islamic leader who brought about the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979.

"I invite Muslims all over the globe to consecrate the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as 'Quds Day and to proclaim the international solidarity of Muslims in support of the legitimate rights of the Muslim people of Palestine." Imam Khomeini, the Holy month of Ramadan 1399AH (August 1979).

The purpose of the international day of Quds was to create awareness and to support the oppressed all over the world, especially the Palestinians, who have been subjected to oppression for more than 50 years – since 1948.

Since then, people from all parts of the world have come together to march and protest in support of the oppressed Palestinians. The Palestinian/Israeli conflict, has claimed the lives, the homes and the sanity of many. But those moreso affected are the Palestinians: Many were, are and will remain scarred by this conflict for all eternity.

The oppressive Zionist regime has not only been condemned by Muslims, but Jews themselves. Muslim leaders, Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and layman gathered across the street of the United Nation Headquarters where Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta International, Jews United Against Zionism, stated:

... this is a rebellion against God who has expressly forbidden us, the Jewish people, from ending the Godly decreed exile, by creating our own State, this rebellion against God has been compounded immeasurably by the fact that in order to create this state, a land has been taken, clearly against the will of the indigenous population, the Palestinian people. Their homes and properties have been confiscated and untold thousands have been expelled etc. their suffering continues unabated until this present day ...

For the full, unedited version, click here:

The international day of Quds, is also about unity. All Muslim's, particularly the Shia and Sunni's need to unify and carry this message to the next generations. We need to come together, to protect all Muslim's and to defend the right of those who have been subjected to all kinds of inhumane acts.

Today the war on terror has helped the Zionist entity, to repress the voice of Palestinians and to intensify its attacks on Palestine. They have used the "we must fight terror wherever it may be", to justify the killings of many innocent Palestinians daily.

But does the West know "terrorism" the way Palestinians do? The Palestinians have known terrorism for quite some time, 55 years and still ongoing. Palestinians are terrorized on their own land and the blame is put on them.

Muslim's, Jew's and Christian's, must stand united against all forms of oppression. The mantra that we should all live by (regardless of one’s race or creed) should indeed be the US administrative catch cry of “liberty and justice for all”. Just the same way a stop to Muslim's committing terrorist attacks against the West and the East, must come to a halt; The Zionist ideology must be stopped once and for all. Along with the unjustified war in Iraq, which has claimed the life's of many innocents because of the Bush Administration and its lies - all of these injustices, need to be removed.

We should take a lesson from history, Nelson Mandela's journey from freedom fighter to president of the New South Africa, opened a new chapter for the South Africans who had been fighting against the white rule and the institution of apartheid.

All of us, no matter who we are, which land we come from and which faith we belong to, must bring justice to the oppressed of every nation. When a terrorist attack occurs against the West, everyone shouts out. Why does not the same shout out take place for the oppressed Palestinians, Iraqi's, Afghani's, Sudanese, Bosnian's and the people of Kosovo and Chechnya? Has it become like a routine, something we have become use to? Why do we continue to neglect their helpless cries? Is it not right that everyone lives in Peace? Is it not right that everyone feel's safe?

These people live between life and death. We have neglected the voices of those who all of our awaited savior's, will come to aid first. Our awaited savior's will come to these people first and free them from the shackles of oppression.

Here are a few videos which shows the sufferings of the Palestinian people. Remember we are all one Ummah and it is about time we made a difference within ourselves and our socities to aid our brothers in faith and humanity.

One who gets up in the morning and is not concerned about the affairs of the Muslim Ummah is NOT a muslim ~ Prophet Muhammad [pbuh]

The Universal Day of Al Quds.

The Appeal of the Prisoners.

Very moving video... Imagine the sorrow of this child missing her father :(
The translation of the video is below:

The Appeal of the Prisoners

Father, they say you are a criminal. But in reality you are not a criminal

Father, why did they deprive me of you? They imprisoned you before you got the chance to kiss me, even once! Before you had the chance to wipe away my mother’s tear..

Mother, I see the tears in your eyes every morning. Does Falasteen not deserve a sacrifice? You have caused me to address the Sun everyday..

Mother, has my father moved on again? Or will he depart without me seeing him until the Promised Day? Or will he wipe the tear of my mother that pours in the dawn of every new day?


A Prince has departed.. Oh! The children of the settlement. Oh! The children of the settlement

I am the Rose of Falasteen. And the number of my identity card is seventy thousand. And I have not kissed my father since the rising of the Sun. Eid after Eid arrives.. newborn after newborn is delivered.. and one Martyr falls after another.. and my father is compelled behind metal bars.. behind the wretched cell that is not fitting except for the slave

Where is the Day of Threatening? Where is the day that they will be confined to metal bars??

This is addressed to you: Oh you people who kiss your children every morning! This is addressed to you: Oh you people who kiss your children every morning!

Shame upon you! Shame upon you! Shame upon you! Whilst my father is compelled behind metal bars.


Israeli oppression against Palestinians.

The untold stories of the crimes carried out by the Zionists in Palestine.
May Allah curse the oppressors!

Palestinians will never forget their lands.

A short presentation about Al Quds Day.

Acknowledgement: Sister Zeinab from SC
for the article about Al Quds.

posted by Ya_Baqiyatullah
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Friday, October 06, 2006,11:04 pm
Ya Haider !

"O men and women! Allah is my Mawla. I am the mawla of the faithfuls. I have a clear authority over their souls, And of whomsoever I am the mawla, Ali is his mawla. O Allah! Love him who loves Ali, hate him who hates Ali."

The words of the Prophet [pbuh] echoed throughout the masses on the day when Islam was perfected on the plains of Ghadeer. The successor of the Prophet [pbuh] was no other than Imam Ali [as],a man who was the commander of the faithfuls, the door to the city of knowledge and the first illuminary of the Divine leadership. The companions pledged their allegiance to him as their leader after the Prophet of Islam [pbuh].. But what happened after the demise of the Prophet [pbuh] was a sad reality..

The pledge broken and forgotten... The Leadership taken away from its rightful owner... And the door to the house of Lady Fatima [sa], where the Prophet of Islam [pbuh] would come and send salutations on the People of the House, was burnt.. Son of Fatima [sa], Mohsin was martyred before even being born.. The brother of the Prophet [pbuh] was dragged from his house with his hands tied.. Imagine O followers of the Ahl ul Bayt [as] the tragedies he had witness in only a few weeks or so after the demise of the Prophet [pbuh]..

And then came that hour when his wife Lady Fatima [sa] also departed from this world.. The rose of Mohammad [pbuh] that shared his fragrance with the world departed from this world weakened and withered..The husband of this great Lady remained patient in this hour of sorrow.. He buried her in a place which remains hidden and that hidden grave is what the lovers of Fatima seek.. O my Master Al Mahdi [ajtf] hasten so you may reveal the grave of your Grandmother and bring peace to the hearts of the lovers of Ahl ul Bayt [as].

Tragedies and sorrow fell upon him continously yet he remained steadfast and had faith in Allah. To Him he turned in time of sorrow and in time of need.. To Him he spoke about his loss and his sorrow..

And then came the 19th night of the month of Ramadan..Darkness and sorrow had descended upon the city of Kufa. My Imam [as] leaves his house, the cries of the birds could be heard out aloud it was as if everything in the nature knew what was to happen.. The call of prayers sounds in the alleys of Kufa, the inhabitants gather for the morning prayers.. Imam Ali [as] leads the prayers and while he is in prostration to his Lord, the posionous sword struck the head of the Imam [as] and he calls out in satisfaction to his Lord: فزت ورب الكعبة (By the Lord of Ka'bah, I have succeeded).. At that moment a voice echoed from the heavens above..the earth shook, it was like the whole world had fallen in grief for the loss of this great man. The people of Kufa gathered around the house of the Imam [as], lamenting and crying for a man who looked after them so affectionately now is on the verge of leaving them.

He instructs his last will to his son Al Hasan [as], and gives him the authority of the Imamat. He bids farewell to Lady Zainab and Lady Umme Kulsoom and to Al Abbas and Al Husayn [as] while in his eyes reminiscing about the events that is to follow his martyrdom, the event where his son Al Hasan [as] will be poisoned and he would be martyred twice, the events of Karbala and of Kufa and Damascus, events where his daughters will be bought to the palace of the oppressor with no veils on their heads and their hands tied. O followers of Ahl ul Bayt [as] imagine the grief of this departing father, he endured every sorrow with patience and faith in Allah.

And then that hour came when the first light of the Imamat was extinguished, when another member of the family of Ahl ul Bayt [as] departed this world. The children of Mohammad [pbuh] were orphans, grief had once again struck the People of the House...The followers wept as the news spread about his martyrdom among the people of Kufa.. It was like as if the whole city had been orphaned in a night... In the heavens the angels lamented, the Prophet [pbuh] is in sorrow and sadness, Lady Fatima [sa] cried for her beloved husband... And today my Imam, my master Al Mahdi [ajtf] cries tears of blood at times on the plains of Karbala, at times amongst the ruins of Askariya, at times amongst the pilgrims of Najaf and at times on the hidden grave of Fatima [sa]..

Ya Sayedi! ya Imam!
O my master, O my mawla return for the winds of Najaf cry for justice..

Ya Mahdi Adrikni.. Ya Abu Saleh Adrikni..

posted by Ya_Baqiyatullah
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,10:25 pm
The Forgotten Justice...

I begin in the name of Allah. The Beneficient, the Merciful. He is the Creator of heavens and earth, the Master of the Universe and of the Creation. One who alone deserves to be worshipped and who is the light of hope in the hour of darkness and of despair, One whose mercy encompasses all the creation and who is the most forgiving.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُونُواْ قَوَّامِينَ بِالْقِسْطِ شُهَدَاء لِلّهِ وَلَوْ عَلَى أَنفُسِكُمْ أَوِ الْوَالِدَيْنِ وَالأَقْرَبِينَ إِن يَكُنْ غَنِيّاً أَوْ فَقَيراً فَاللّهُ أَوْلَى بِهِمَا فَلاَ تَتَّبِعُواْ الْهَوَى أَن تَعْدِلُواْ وَإِن تَلْوُواْ أَوْ تُعْرِضُواْ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيراً

O you who believe ! Be staunch in justice , witnesses for Allah , even though it be against yourselves or ( your ) parents or ( your ) kindred , whether ( the case be of ) a rich man or a poor man , for Allah is nearer unto both ( than your are ) . So follow not passion lest you lapse ( from truth ) and if you lapse or fall away , then lo! Allah is ever Informed of what you do.. [4:153]

The month of Ramadan has started and the first ten days has whizzed past like wind.. the need for one to make use of this month greatly has been stressed many times by the Infallibles [as]. One has to take this great oppurtunity and change their ways for the betterment. Spiritual growth and evolution of the mind can only happen when one reflects on the great blessings of Allah and the power and the virtues the night of Laylatul Qadr holds. It is the night when our destinies are shaped, our livelihood is set and the hour of death is ordained and along with those there are others who are blessed with the great oppurtunity of preforming the Hajj.. a journey which the heart of every believer craves for.. to be there in the presence of the Lord and to reaffirm the convenant with the Creator.. May Allah gives us the oppurtunity to preform the great journey of Hajj during our life time

Justice, what is it? Being lawful, rightful and moral? Yes those are the words which describe justice but where is this justice found today? Iraq burns with fire of violence, Afghanistan is embroiled in choas due to the conflict, Lebanon rebuilds it self after the slaughter of the Zionists and the West still searches for the meaning of Justice in their God forsaken territories.

It is gonna be nearly two months since the 'ceasefire' between Lebanon and Israel. I know I am a bit late since all is done and dusted but you know in the last two months I have been thinking and reflecting about this forced war. Israel, a country who does not even have international borders, attacks hizbullah for 'kidnapping' two Israeli soldiers but one has to ask themselves this question if what Israel did is just then why was their a casualty of 1000+ civilians in Lebanon? Why was there a massacre of children in Qana? That is not an act of just people rather of cowards who seek to show their might and power through acts of brutality. On the other hand Hizbullah fighters weaken Israel so much that they forced them to accept a 'ceasefire'. The praise heaped on Hizbullah cannot be justified by words however if one who wishes to see the greatness of their victory should listen to the eloquent speeches of Sayyid Hassan Nasrullah and learn from the man who masterminded this victory. I remember once a friend from university told me while discussing the issue of Israel that 'An army which is vigilant is more better than an army which is like robots following orders'. Truly that statement fits perfectly upon the armies of Hizbullah and Israel the latter being the robots.

At the time of the invasion of Iraq, the US talked about liberating the people of Iraq from Saddam [la], when the invaded Afghanistan, the talk was of a regime change by removing Taliban and now they are talking about attacking Iranas they believe by doing so they will be providing freedom to the people of Iran. I wonder if US senators or congress or democrat members ever have breakfast in the morning. It amazes me as to what these people come out with.. as one person said in his speech 'They have misunderestimated me' and another one says 'Hizbullah is the cause of instability in the region of middle east'. I mean do these guys ever think before they speak I remember the words of Imam Ali [as]: 'The heart of a fool is in his mouth, while the tongue of the wise man is in his heart'. How true is that statement the enemity and the hatred the western powers share against the religion of Islam is so evident at the time. Not just that look at how the soldiers who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan are carrying out acts of indecency and abuse. The acts of sexual abuse and torture which clearly shows the nature of the American army. If truly their mission was to liberate the people of Iraq and help bring stability to the country then why is it that so many people are narrating their stories of abuse and torture, why is it that personalities like Ayatollah Baqir Al Hakim were martyred after the invasion? And the Golden Dome Mosque of Al Askariya was demolished? Clearly these are signs of injustice and corruption amongst the contractors and the army of US. These people are worse than animals for a person who cannot control their desires and uses innocent lives to fulfil their illegtimate desires deserves to be called nothing worse than animals who are wild. Only Allah knows how many untold stories of rape, torture and abuse plague the lives of many who live in Iraq, Afghanistan and many other countries. Intellect and wisdom is left out and the sheer greed to have power and control and to demonstrate the might rules the heart of these beasts. Their abode should lie in the pits of Hell along with the other inmates of Hell.

The Arab nations who tend to represent themselves as muslims are no more than muslims by name. The Prophet of Islam [saww] has stated that the Muslim Ummah is like a body and if one part of the body is attacked the pain is felt by the whole body... but the sad reality in today's world is that the body which is attacked is left alone to suffer and die away slowly. Look at Kashmir for 50 years or so the people are fighting for independence yet the Muslim Ummah is sleeping deep in ignorance to help their brothers, Palestine suffered the warth of Israel yet the Muslim Ummah slept, Lebanon was attacked and destroyed yet the Muslim Ummah especially the Arab Leaders kept quiet, the Al Askariya Shrine was demolished and we, the Shias, never made our sorrow known. We are living in a situation which we have created for ourselves.. Remember what you sow is what you reap and unfortunately we the Muslim Ummah has forgotten the values of Islam and the Quran and Ahl ul Bayt [as] and taken to the luxuries of this world. The Muslim Ummah has forgotten the importance of Brotherhood, Justice, Unity and Faith in Allah.

We ourselves have made Israel what it is today and we ourselves are to blame for the lack of leadership in the Muslim Ummah. Our Ummah is divided, every person seeks power for fame and might yet forget that there is a day where Allah will ask what did you do with the position you had? O man what shall you say then? Your might and power will be of no avail unless you used it towards the cause of Allah and for Allah alone. We have painted our hands with the blood of those who are killed by the crimes of the Zionists and the US. Why do I say that? It is because we fund the organisations and companies which support the Israel and the US. However all is not lost my brothers and sisters... We have time to change our past and make our future bright.. It should start from now, this very day for the change should be one which has an everlasting effect, a temporary change does not help anyone. Remember there were those people in Kufa who wrote to Imam Al-Husayn [as] to come to Kufa and on the day of Ashura those very people were fighting against Imam Al-Husayn [as]. They painted their hands with the blood of the family of the Prophet [saww], let us not follow in their footsteps.. Let us be united and support our brothers and sisters who are oppressed, let us make a change for the betterment of our Ummah.. Remember Allah says in the Quran:

إِنّ اللّهَ لاَ يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ
Surely Allah does not change what concerns the people until they change their innermost self..[13:11]

So remember unless we make a change within ourselves we can never expect Divine help and remember Justice is the sign of the righteous people and in the Quran Allah [swt] has emphasised on being just with all people be it your parents, family or friends. Justice is an attribute which distinguishes honourable from the corrupted. The month of Ramadan is a month of reflection, a month of change, a month to move away from all evil and enrich the soul with guidance and good deeds. To improve our selves spiritually and to break away from the chains of attachment of this world and find the comfort in the blessings of the hereafter. May Allah give us the ability and the strength to follow in the footsteps of our Imams [as], may He give us the ability to make the best use of the month of Ramadan.. And may He hasten the reappearance of the Awaited Leader Al Mahdi [ajtf].. For in his return lies our salvation and the hope of all mankind..

posted by Ya_Baqiyatullah
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