Friday, August 25, 2006,4:45 pm
Youth: Age of Enlightment
It is the eve of 1st Shabaan, the month of Rajab has come to an end. The end of one holy month is marked by the beginning of another, may it bring peace to the hearts of the beings and blessings of Almighty upon all of us. Rajab, a month which is full of inspiring events; the birth of Imam Ali (as) to the heavenly journey of the Apostle of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh). It is the month if benefitted from in the right manner one can start on a journey of enlightment and awakening. Rajab is followed by the months of Shabaan and Ramadan, both of which hold significant value in the eyes of a believer.

Youth is something we all experience but what do we achieve in the end of this important aspect and journey of our life cycle? A new prespective of the word 'life' prehaps or maybe something a bit more extreme, craziness. I guess for most of us it is the constantly changing preception of 'life' which we experience in these important years. Growing up to deal with what life throws at you is not easy for any of us, as we are not experienced to deal with unexpectancy in our lifes. It is human nature one is only comfortable with what they are experienced with. So why is it that we find that during these years we have a lot of unexpected things being thrown at us? The answer is simple. Youth is an age where a person grows ten maybe hundred fold within a couple of years. Not just in terms of character but also personality, spirituality and socially.

When we reach the level of youth we tend to forget the purpose of our existence and we indulge in the luxuries of this world and desires of our hearts. Youth is a time when one should evolve and break the chains which stop us from reaching those high grounds. It is that point of our life where we have completed half of our life's journey. It is a point from where we can see both sides the past and the future, not explicitly. We know through our past doings what is right and wrong and given that we are able to set a tone for our future. Youth is a part of life which should be used effectively. Deep thinking, enlightment and spiritual awakening are the key ingredients for success in this part of life. Success in this part of life is not limited to earning wealth, partying day after day or driving a beamer. Success is that which has a long term effect on the person and attaining success of such calibre so early in life is what sets the tone for the rest of this long journey to eternity. The problem which has crept in our societies is that the youths of today have forgotten the importance of understanding life. They have forsaken the basic codes of living lives and applied the western ideology, the materialistic, modern slavery way of life. Something which is detremental to the body and the soul.

Remember man is a supreme creation of Almighty and to attain the perfection, the ultimate goal, he has to struggle and strive to realise the sweetness of success through hardship. The same applies to youth. It is the time when the person has the most capability and ability to perfect themselves and this perfection becomes the cause for a successful life. Obviously prefection here is not refering to Infalibility, but nevertheless man has the ability to reach the high grounds of spiritual awakening and move closer to his Creator.

May Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam Al Mahdi (ajtf), the Imam of our time..
posted by Ya_Baqiyatullah
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  • At 7:25 pm, August 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous


    I agree with you. The years of youth are a precious and a vital time. They are the years when we mold ourselves for the future. Through sprituality, knowledge, and even academic education, we strive to be the best we can, and prepare ourselves for the journey ahead. The return of our Imam (AS) is very near Inshallah, and if we don't prepare our mind and soul

  • At 7:25 pm, August 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous


    I agree with you. The years of youth are a precious and a vital time. They are the years when we mold ourselves for the future. Through sprituality, knowledge, and even academic education, we strive to be the best we can, and prepare ourselves for the journey ahead. The return of our Imam (AS) is very near Inshallah, and if we don't prepare our mind and soul” which shows the life in Mumbai, India, the cruelty, slums, religion ... I heard many stories when I was growing up in India about religious conflicts, corruption, but never experienced anything dramatic which the book describes.

    Every day you see news about the war in Middle East, about the people in Africa.
    Why do all these things happen? What caused these tragic disasters? How we are responsible for this?
    Reason - "MAN HAS TO SURVIVE".

    Every living creature in this planet has to survive, whether they are humans, animals.... and they have their own ways to do it. In the beginning the only goal of human was to survive from cold, heat, rain and disasters and also keep himself alive without dying of hunger, so he invented many ways to keep himself and his family from dangers. But as mans knowledge grew, his desire to have the power grew in him which eventually lead to many things.

    In the developed countries like US, London, ..... man can survive easily. He is given protection to his values, thoughts and has right of speech and expression. Not saying that life in these countries is very easy. People still h

  • At 3:11 am, September 01, 2006, Blogger Ya_Baqiyatullah

    Salaam alykum

    Thanks for the comments people.

    Hope and belief I really appreciate your views and suggestions. Inshallah in the coming entries I will try and address that. Yes as you said that entry lacked the ways of breaking away from the materialism and the western values. I kinda did that deliberately because I wanted to focus on that in my next entry solely. So Inshallah I hope when you read the next entry you will see what you wanted in this one :)


    P.s Hope and belief if you wrote the other two comments then i can edit them and make them into one big one if you prefer..

  • At 2:53 pm, September 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    good post bro..
    the youth lack a source of guidance (not that guidance is lacking) but access to it, familiarity with it is the problem for the youth of today.
    sadly , we tend to look to the wrong people for a model of life to copy , using mainly the media as a source of guidance.
    true enought, it is through the media that it is possible to reach most, but i feel that not enough worthy media is available to the youth of today, and so he is left pulled between two or more worlds, the allure of one and the apparent difficulty of the other.

    perception is also a huge thing among the youth, and so leaders (religious) leaders can only make a huge (positive) impact if they can affect how the youth look at things.

    sorry im kinda wordy :P

    May Allah guide all the youth of the muslim ummah so that they are a formiddable force rather than a source of weakness to the ummah.

    habib e najjaar